Conservatory News

Stay Tuned!

Students Summer Achivements

Sunday, August 4, 2024 by Wenjing Liu | Uncategorized

Please join us to congratulate the following students who got their best result in summer competitions. 

Sonata/Sonatina Festival: 

Second Prize: Jay Golub, Zoey Lin

Third Prize: Claire Chen, Monty Golub, Jordan Lin

Satori Music Festival: 

First Prize (Open Category): Claire Chen

First Prize (Qualify Category): Christopher Li

Second Prize (Qualify Category): Zoey Lin, Felix Hallberg, Bowen Wu, 

Third Prize (Qualify Category): Jordan Lin, Sarah Miyaji

Irvine International Piano Competition

First Prize (Age 8-10): Uma Zhou

First Prize (Age 14-16) Bowen Wu

Golden Classical Reward Competition 

First Prize Winner: Jordan Lin, Zoey Lin, Alice Li 

(Invited to perform in Carnegie Hall in NYC)

American Protege Music Competition

Second Prize: Bowen Wu 

(Invited to perform in Carnegie Hall in NYC)

Congratulations again to students and their teachers

Fundrasing T-shirt Order From

Tuesday, April 9, 2024 by Wenjing Liu | Uncategorized

NOCCM Family, 

NOCCM fundraising spirit t-shirt pre-order starts now! Order the shirt and support our school! Your contribution will 100% go to the operation of North Orange County Music Foundation (501-c non profit organization) 


Students Achivements

Wednesday, February 7, 2024 by Wenjing Liu | Students Achivements

Please join us to congratulate our following students who achieved their best in music competitions. 

Golden Classical Music Rewards Competition: First Prize: Alice Li 

WinterFest Music Competition: Second Prize: Benjamin Zhang 

Concordia Music Competition: First Prize: Benjamin Zhang

                                           Second Prize: Claire Chen, Clara Lam

                                           Honorable Mention: Alice Li 

American  Protege:  Third Place: Bowen Wu

Congratulations to all and congratulate to the students who participated.

Winter Concert Program

Monday, December 4, 2023 by Wenjing Liu | Uncategorized

Revised program is posted again. Please check which program is your child in. We have Program A 2-3pm, and Program B 3-4pm. Please arrive about 15mins earlier before your assigned time. 

Concert Program

You can also view it from our school website:, drop down Manu Bar- 2023 Winter Holiday Concert. 

Volunteer needed: We are still in need of 1-2 Volunteers to help out the program announcement for both recitals (MC'ing). President Volunteer Service Reward Hours will be offered. 

Winter Break (2 weeks)School will be closed from Dec. 25th Monday to Jan. 7th Sunday. 

3. Congratulations to Our Winners from MusicFest Competition 2023 in November. 

First Place: Clara Ho Ching Lam, Christopher Li, Kaylee Chung 

Second Place: Felix Hallberg, Ysabella Guillermo, 

Third Place: Noah Qu

Summer Student Concert Sign Up

Wednesday, March 22, 2023 by Wenjing Liu | Uncategorized

Our annual summer celebration recital will be scheduled on June 11th Sunday 3pm (Any levels are welcome)

Location: Brea Curtis Theater, 1 Civic Center Cir., Brea, CA, 92821

$45/Student Participation Fee 

This is one of our biggest events in our school calendar. We will showcase our student's performance, and celebrate their achievements, and celebrate our graduates. 

If you would like to participate: 

Sign up sheet is here:

Congratulations to our winners!

Friday, March 3, 2023 by Wenjing Liu | Uncategorized

Congratulations to our piano students who did fantastic job in the competitions.

Golden Classical Rewards Competition:

Claire Chen: First Prize Winner
Roxana Olivier: Second Prize Winner

Concordia University Music Competition: 

Solo Division: Claire Chen, First Place
                    Melody Sun, Third Place
                    Sophie Zeng, Fourth Place

Duet Division: Claire Chen & Benjamin Zhang, First Place
                     Melody Sun, Third Place

American Protégé Music Competition

Solo Division: Melody Sun, Second Place
                    Benjamin Zhang, Second Place
                    Roxana Olivier, Second Place
                    Sophie Zeng,  Honorable Mention

Duo Division: Claire Chen & Benjamin Zhang Second Place

Congratulations to all! 

Piano Master Class with Grace Fong

Thursday, October 6, 2022 by Wenjing Liu | Master Class

Piano Master Class with Dr. Grace Fong

Nov. 6th 3-5pm 

Sign up:

Congratulations to Claire and Roxana

Sunday, October 2, 2022 by Wenjing Liu | Competitions

Students Achievements: 

Please join us to congratulate the following students: 

Bay Area Piano Competition 

Claire Chen, Roxana Olivier: Merit Reward 

ICM Piano Competition 

Claire Chen: Third Place, and will be invited to perform in winner concert in 2023. 

Congratulations to you all!